Before using "", please make sure that you had review the conditions of using our service.
Prohibited goods for all the countries Dangerous or prohibited items that we cannot ship overseas
Items that present a danger or risk when being shipped.
- Explosives
- Fireworks
- Ammunition
- Firecrackers
- High pressure Gas
- Fire extinguishers
- AqualungSpray
- DustEnriched
- OxygenHelium
- GasCamping
- GasButane
- GasButane
- Lighter
- FuelGas Heaters (including new and never used)
- Car SuspensionAir Guns
- Flammable Liquids
- Lighter
- FuelPaint
- Perfume
- Tempo Drop
- Combustibles
- Matches
- Lighters
- ZIPPO (Including new and never used)
- Nail Polish
- Oxidizing agents
- Bleach
- Peroxides
- Small personal oxygen
- Generator
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Hair Coloring
- Toxic or Infectious substances
- Drugs
- Psychopharmaceuticals
- Chloroform
- Pesticides
- Radioactive Materials
- Uranium
- Plutonium
- ThoriumNuclear
- Waste
- Corrosives
- Wet Batteries
- Mercury
- Other
- Magnetized Materials
- Engines
- Dry Ice
- Asbestos
- Drugs
- Drug Paraphanelia
- Psychopharmaceuticals
- Obscene Articles
- Lottery
- Air Gun
- Sword (real or fake)
- Livestock Feed
- Plants
- Living Animals
- Precious metals
- Precious jewels
- Diamonds (including rough and fabricated diamonds)
- Currency (real or fake)
- Postage Stamps
- Documents
- National Treasures
- Important Cultural Property
- Art, etc.
- Pirated CDs/DVDs/Software
- Perishables
- Product with an undeterminable origin
- Credit Cards
- Cash Vouchers
- Perishable Goods (food that rot)
- Tickets(concert tickets, etc.)
- Airline Tickets